I would say I am a devoted wife, mother of 4, nurse... and numerous other titles. I have a new love or "addiction" to blogging. I am fascinated that there are so many people out there like me, or so I think they are. I have always loved to write and I think I can be funny, so here I am blogging. I mostly hope to blog about my family, home, and crafty things I either come across or think up in this insane mind of mine. Now, about my URL... I'm not some kind of weirdo that manipulates 14 men or something like that... many moons ago I used to love (I mean LOVE) ladybugs. The crafting thing is self-explanatory. I just love to Do It MYSELF. As for the number 14... it was my softball number and I definitely loved that game... way back when computers were first invented and certain sites required a username, ladycrafter14 was the best I could come up with at the time and it has followed me everywhere, so there you have it, ladycrafter14:) Hope that explains a little about me!
Contact me anytime at tiffanyreeves@gpcom.net