Thanks to the Lovely Laura at Live.Laugh.Photograph I was inspired to create some salt scrubs of my very own to gift to friends and teachers and what not. Her post is very good and I wanted to give her credit for the inspiration even though I kinda made up my own recipe. Just a dollop of this stuff scrubbed into your hands or feet and then rinsed leaves them silky smooth and smells so yummy!
To begin you'll need EVOO (extra virgin olive oil), lime or lemon juice, coarse salt, some fragrance oil.
The recipe I have found works good is... 5 cups coarse sea salt, 1 cup lime juice, 1 cup EVOO, and 3 tsp of coconut-lime fragrance oil (plus more in the jars)
(Purchased the oil below at Walmart)
Combine the ingredients in a large bowl. If it isn't your desired consistency then add a little more EVOO.
Smells so good..... I lastly spooned the mixture into jelly jars, then added about 1/2 tsp of fragrance oil to top off each jar. I added a little twine and label which you can print HERE. I printed on cardstock and attached to the jar. So charming and so easy! Perfect homemade gift for any occasion and so easy! This recipe filled 9 jelly jars.
I'm going to have to try this for Emma's teacher this year! Thanks Tiff!
I've got almost everything except for the oil....and it's at Walmart??? Who knew. I agree with the comment above - perfect for a teacher gift!
love it! My skin could use a good scrubbing. Lol
Jeanna @
This will make a lovely gift! Thanks for the idea and tutorial :)
Can you substitute the salt for raw sugar instead? I prefer a sugar scrub instead of salt. Thanks!
This is a nice recipe but that oil is not safe for the skin
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