Wednesday, August 17, 2011

For the love of blogging!

I'm so sorry to anyone who is looking for new content on this little blog. Summer is busy and so is this crazy house. I look forward to blogging many new projects this fall. I got to go to Hobby Lobby last week and loaded up with supplies for some fun new stuff once the kids go back to school. Remember my Flower Ball Post? These cute little things are super easy to make but very time consuming. Well right before we were gonna have company for the weekend I couldn't find the two I had in the living room. Both the 7 year old and 4 year old swore they had no idea where they were... and I believed them... silly me! In an effort to prepare for more company this weekend I was doing a little cleaning and guess what I found tucked away in the toy cupboard...The sweet little 4 year old looks at me and says, "oh, I guess you found them."
What a stinking little liar... and no remorse or fear or anything... not sure what I'm gonna do about this. Still laughing at that little boy, put still pretty peeved... maybe at myself because I absolutely believed him. Advice on 4 year old boys is always welcome! And so that it appears as though I have posted something of substance I'm re-posting this pretty flower ball picture... Now that they are Found!

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