Monday, August 29, 2011

Fence to American Flag Tutorial

Hello blog... it has been awhile since I published anything that I was excited about... until today:) I finished this flag months ago but hadn't gotten around to posting about it until this morning! Hurray... the older two are at school and me and the girls are enjoying this overcast morning. This lovely little flag was made out of our old and rotting fence.

I saved three pieces of the wooden fence.... the metal gate was another project I may never post about... sorry!

I began by using a crow bar and removing the slats... one by one

Using the old and rusty nails I found a new place to hammer and placed the slots much closer together.

When I was finished it looked a little something like this.

Definitely needs some paint... spray paint was my first choice for primer, but this old wood needed a brush for sure... FYI... if you do something with old wood or barn wood... spray painting on primer will take forever and so just go straight for the can and a brush.

So after the paint and a sealer and a few post holes with a little sand for back filling, I stuck this beauty in the back corner of my backyard. Love it!

My sweet little two-year-old made such a patriotic little model!

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