Friday, February 10, 2012

How to make Chocolate Suckers... Mustache Style

Pin It I love taking fun photos, and crafting, and blogging, and cooking, and.... the list goes on!  If you combine all of the previously mentioned loves you get an activity and craft that looks a little something like this... read on!
Chocolate Suckers are a cinch to make, who knew?  Not me!  I was looking for a cute idea to top last years super cute Valentine's when I came across the new mustache "fad" ... I really felt I must go a little above just the photo though.  I searched and I found these cool sucker molds from Wilton.  Originally I was going to try and make hard candy style suckers but it became clear that chocolate was the way to go.
Start with the molds... found at this website.
 Obviously you will need some chocolate... for suckers you'll need the little wafer style.  Wilton makes some, Hobby Lobby sells these, Walmart, and I'm sure other places do too... I ordered mine from Wilton when I bought the molds.
 These are sooooo easy.... start by pouring the wafers into a Ziploc bag.  Then you microwave on your defrost setting for 1-2 minutes at a time.
 While the wafers are in the microwave, wipe down the molds with a paper towel and a dab of vegetable oil.
 After every minute or two in the microwave, remove the bag a knead gently.  Continue until your chocolate is melted.
 Just like frosting a cake, cut a tiny little tip off one corner of the bag.
 Fill the mold half way and then add a stick.  Roll the stick and get the whole thing covered with chocolate.  Then fill the remainder of the mold.
 Allow the children to suck the last tinsy tiny big of chocolate out of the bag. 
 Gently tap on the mold to get the surface to smooth out.  Then refrigerate for 5-10 minutes.  Once the chocolate is hard, carefully pop the sucker out.
 Be sure and have a little fun with this.
 Don't forget a few pictures.
 Then eat your heart out!
 Oh chocolate...
 Two year olds LOVE chocolate!
 Tah dah... cutest Valentine's and might even top last years!
FYI... It takes about 1oz. of chocolate per sucker if that helps when you calculate how much to purchase.... AND  any extra chocolate can be re-hardened and saved for later.  Just make a chocolate blob on a piece of wax paper and then stick it in the fridge for a few minutes.  Once it is hard, place it in a sealed bag and save for later.  The chocolate can be reused over and over.... oh SNAP isn't that awesome!
Making your own adorable mustache is super simple!... all you need is a piece of black felt and double sided tape.  Click HERE to view a pattern assortment.
Don't forget to enter my giveaway!!!


  1. Very cute! I did a similar one for my son and the teacher's were going crazy saying how cute it is! And I bought that mold this week too so we can have fun with it:0)

    Your kiddos are super cute!!!

  2. here from Tatertots and Jello - super duper cute kiddos - great idea!

  3. These are too cute! I love it. I hope you will link this up to my I Heart Projects Linky Party.

  4. These goes so perfectly with your Valentine! Love them!

    If you are interested, we'd love to have you share this at our new link party,

  5. These are aDORable! And the pics of the kids "modeling" them are just too, too cute! Thanks for the fun idea! I'd be just thrilled if you'd share this post at my party, open now through Wednesday!

  6. Great idea! Do you think it will work with plaster as well? Or will it get stuck and ruin the mold?


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