Monday, January 30, 2012

House Flip Post #4

We ARE making progress even though it doesn't quite look like much has changed.  For whatever reason Carrie and I haven't asked our husbands for help either.  It isn't that we refuse to ask them... we just want to Do It Ourselves... and with that said, we certainly got our fair share of that.  We demo-ed the rest of things that needed demo-ing and made some significant progress while we were left home alone all weekend with the 7 kids.  The guys went snowmobiling and we decided to be as productive as possible with all our little ones assisting as you can see in the photos below:) 
 Above is the dump truck we filled.  This is our third load of junk!
 I was using the counter top as my completed list... but then, it too came out!
 With our demo efforts we quickly also became electricians and plumbers...
 The good news is we didn't electrocute ourselves or flood the place.
 These pictures show the lovely living room carpet.  It was completely glued to this crappy Masonite board stuff that was nailed to the original wood floors that are over 100 years old!
 Getting this carpet up took nearly 6 hours, 2 grown women, a few small children, a crow bar, two hammers, a sawzall, several Bud Lights, and way too many curse words!
 The floors underneath are really cool and old but beyond repairing for this Flip.
 Aren't our little helpers cute when they are hard at work!
It was super cute that they too needed work gloves on!  Parker's gloves (far right) are mis-matched mittens:)
That is all for now... we are feeling great about our progress and should be breaking the paint sprayer out of the box soon which is going to be AWESOME!
Click here to see the other FLIP posts!
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