Monday, November 21, 2011

Mod Podge Clothespins and Photo Board Tutorial

 I love pictures... taking them, editing them, and of course displaying them.  In an effort to make something I can change frequently and still adds style to my little home, I came up with this.... READ ON:) 

Speaking of pictures... the above photo of my photo board sucks!... but you get the point.
 To create adorable little fancy clothespins you'll need some clothespins, mod podge, scrapbook paper cut to size and a tiny piece of sandpaper.
 Cut your scrap book pieces approximately the same size as the clothespin.
 Coat the top of the clothespin with a thin layer of Mod Podge and then apply the paper. 
 Once you have covered all of them, take your sand paper and using a downward brush stroking motion, rough up all the edges. 
 Next you'll rub the edges of the clothespins in the distress ink to your liking... I like lots of distress ink. 
 I also did some on the plain side and all the edges of the clothespins.
 Above is my frame with chicken wire stapled to the back of it. 
 It was cute.... but.... it seemed a little plain.
 So I took some fabric and stapled that behind the chicken wire.
 I love the clothespins and the chicken wire with fabric.
 It was exactly what I was trying to create.
 I also distressed the frame a little with sandpaper and distress ink. (btw... Hobby Lobby sells that stuff)
It definitely stands out in my little tiny red kitchen and dining room. 
Follow me on Pinterest, or check out a few other Tutorials here.
I also have a little FLIP series that might tickle your interest or view my ETSY store here.


  1. A very cute idea! I need a photo board and this is definitely going in my list of things to try! I love how you did the pretty fabric in the background. Found you through Tatertots and Jello weekend wrap up party!

  2. I love your clothespins with the chicken wire! I'm just finishing up a jewelry organizer made from an old cabinet door frame with the chicken wire for my daughter's college roommate. I have some clothe pins so, I just might have to throw a few in with the frame. Love what you have done here. Thanks for sharing at SNS :)

  3. I was wondering at first how you got the clothespins to fit, then I kept scrolling and it all made sense!! I really love this idea. I want to make one of these for my mother-in-law. She always has pictures on her fridge and I think she would love this! You should come and enter my Vanilla Bean Paste giveaway!


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