Monday, November 28, 2011

Hanging Dress Hair Bow Holder Tutorial

I love little girls and all things girl.  It is so much fun to put fancy stuff in their hair and doll them all up in super cute duds.  I love decorating little girl rooms, and painting toes, and little girl photos, and dollies... AND thank goodness b/c I have three!  Below is a super long tutorial on how to make this cute hair barrette and clip holder.  It is a great addition to any little angel's room with a crazy OCD organize-happy freaky mom like me!

-8 x 11 piece of cardboard
- 15 x15 piece and 5 x 14 of cotton fabric and 15 x 15 piece of batting
- two coordinating pieces of ribbon at least 40 inches long each
-1.5- 2 yards of matching tulle (I used two colors @ 1.5 yards each)
- 4 old stud earrings
-hot glue and gun
-minimal sewing skills and sewing machine with matching thread
-4 straight pins
-download THIS pattern

 For a great fabric flower tutorial click HERE!


  1. This is so cute and a great way to store all those hair clips. Thanks for sharing. I would love it if you could link this up to our linky party going on right now.

  2. Visiting from tt&j. I love your hair bow holder! What girl doesnt need a huge tutu to holds all her pretties?! I will defiantly be putting this on my crafting to do list!

    If you get a chance I would love for you to share this at my Friday link party going on now :)

  3. I make bow boards for my daughter...and my friends' little girls. I also thought of putting a tutu type bottom on it...maybe I will after seeing yours.

  4. This is such a cute way to store hair pretties!!! I LOVE IT!!!


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