Sunday, October 30, 2011

Please Remove Your Shoes Mod Podge Tutorial

If you've been to Ladycrafter14 before then you have already seen this lovely little picture and "friendly reminder" as I called it.  I got to thinking one day... (rarely happens anymore)... it probably isn't the best idea to have a framed picture hanging right near an entrance to my home.  Kids slam doors frequently and I was just asking for broken glass to clean up.  Then it occurred to me that I could mount this puppy with Mod Podge (aka: a girl's best friend).  Here is what I did.
Obviously you'll first need a photo or signage or something... if you want to use mine I'll share a link at the end of the post. (just pretend these 8 little precious feet belong to you:)
 Next, you'll need a piece of scrap wood. (or if your husband isn't around, steal a beautiful piece of oak that probably isn't scrap, but is the perfect size... haha)
Below shows the beautiful oak painted black with two generous coats off black craft paint.
Choose a trendy piece of scrapbook paper and cut slightly smaller than your wood.
Generously coat the wood with mod podge and then apply the scrapbook paper.
Using a scraper or credit card smooth out the paper and try to get any air bubbles pushed out.  Allow to dry for an hour or so.
I like the distressed look, so I took some sand paper to the edges, but this is optional.
Distress Ink is a must for any serious crafter; found at Hobby Lobby.
Rub a little, or a lot on your sanded edges.
To apply the picture, coat the entire thing with Mod Podge again.
Using the scraper, smooth the picture out and make sure to get as many air bubbles out as you can. Allow to dry for an hour or so.
Coat the entire surface (picture, paper, and wood edges with Mod Podge.) Try to put a very even coat on with your brush strokes going all the same direction.  At first it will look cloudy, but it dries clear)
Lastly I chose to hang it with ribbon.  This I fastened on with staples... also a girl's best friend:)  You could also drill holes and thread ribbon or wire through.
Hang outside or right in your entry way for that "friendly reminder" that helps keep your OCD in check:)
I love the edges!
Happy crafting!  Click HERE if you want to borrow my picture of the feet:)


  1. Very cute! I plan to make something similar for grandparent's Christmas gifts!


  2. I love it! What a cute reminder to take off your shoes. Maybe people would pay attention to some cute feet because they don't listen to me :) I'd love for you to share this at my party if you have a moment. Have a great weekeend!


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