Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pinterest Anyone???

So everyone and their dog probably knows about Pinterest now.  If you don't beware... you spend hours and hours of your life "pinning" and that is time you'll never get back, EVER!  As much as I hate Pinterest, I absolutely LOVE it!  It is a great place for inspiration, style, and my favorite, humor.  Here are just a few of the funny things I've found. 
 White Trash Barbie... should this even be funny?... uhm yes it is!  I love the beer under the cart and the fact that she is pregnant and smoking... terrible!
 Say "my butt hurts" and then say "what?" out loud... it is way funnier.
 Seriously gross, but funny!
 If babies could talk:)
I love the costumes... oh how I would pay to see my little girl and husband try this one.
If you have a few minutes and what to read a funny but true little post about facebook check out Becca at The Texas Darlings.
Enjoy the day, have a laugh, and if you want check out the rest of my Pinterest Boards.

1 comment:

  1. hahah, thanks for the good laugh :-) i'm stopping by from tatertots & jello. i'd love for you to stop by and check out the awesome (over $100) giveaway we're having- http://thelovelypoppy.blogspot.com/2011/10/blog-follower-giveaway.html


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