Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday's Recipe... Homemade Pickles

I am severely depressed about the condition of my garden. You see... it was hailed on horribly, some were almost baseball size. All of my beautiful plants look a little sad, but hopefully aren't dead. I was going to post a few pictures of the hail damage but decided I didn't need to create a pity party for my garden. My husbands corn fields are probably what I should be whining about and as far as whining goes... at least my house isn't being flooded out by the Missouri River and we weren't hit by a tornado. (P.S. take a moment and say little prayer for the flood and tornado victims, they need lots of prayers)
In my depressed state... I was blog hopping and found this interesting pickle recipe. I love homemade pickles but mine always seem to be mushy. I hope to have a crop so I can try this one this year from Cooking With K. It looks easy and yummy!

To view the recipe click HERE!

1 comment:

  1. Homemade pickles are on my "to do" list this summer, too! Thanks for sharing!


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