Thursday, June 2, 2011

Spring Spruce-UP!

These/this post isn't all that exciting, but I did make the effort of taking before and after pictures, so I thought I would post. Below is the lovely before of some garage-sale finds I tried to turn into mini-planters.

Below is the after... a little ladybug garland and vinca vine should be lovely.

I'm hoping the vinca will really take off and cascade down.

These beautiful patriotic stars have seen better days. I decided to remove the handles and sprayed them white.

Aren't they just cute... and the white matched the trim on the house. My handwriting stinks and I thought if I made it sloppy enough it would look cute, but not really... oh well I am looking forward to some summer nights on the patio with good food, drinks, and friends!


  1. Very cute!!!!! Anything I can find that will hold some dirt is becoming a planter at my house!!!

  2. Tiffany - Great idea - the stars are super cute! Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase Party. I am a little behind commenting - but I have featured this last week. Hope you are having a wonderful week ~ Stephanie Lynn


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