Sunday, April 17, 2011

What an award for me???

Holy Petunias... I'm super excited and honored to announce that I have been awarded an award.

The Versatile Blogger Award!

Cool eh? With honor comes responsibility and here are the rules I am to follow...

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them.

~This great honor came from Amy at Sitting At Our Kitchen Table

Amy is a fellow Nebraska blogger and you Have To check her out!

2. Tell 7 things about yourself...

~ I am the eldest of three children and I act the part.

~Pathetically it took me 4 colleges to become an RN.

~I was actually a good student... 4 schools had nothing to do with grades.

~I loathe... despise scrapbooking... and I don't know why, it just bores me, but I still occassionally do it with friends.

~I'm living out a childhood fantasy through my 6-year-old... (I got her a horse)

~ When I'm pregnant my shoe size is a 10, normally I wear a 9. (that one is dumb)

~I'm addicted to blogging to the point I wake up at night and all I think about are new tutorials, recipes, and posting cool things... and for some reason I don't want to advertise to friends and family that I blog???

3. Pay it forward and award the Versatile Blogger Award to 15 recently discovered new bloggers.

Blogs I Award

Little Bits of Crunch and Fluff

4. Contact everyone and let them know they have been awarded the award. That way everyone can spread the love. Followers and comments make me smile! I'm sure they make fellow bloggers smile too! It's a great way to find new inspiration!!!


  1. You made me laugh...I don't like scrapbooking either! But I have a ton of paper. Good thing this new blogging addiction of mine is showing me non-scrapbook things to do with paper! lol And thanks for accepting the award...I really like your blog!

  2. Awww, shucks hun! Thanks for the award! I too hate scrapbooking, but I lurve the papers and embellishments, so much so I actually have books and photos ready to put together, but just don't!

  3. Awwww...thanks! I'm not a big scrapbooker least not in the way most people do scrapbooking. I just slap the pictures on colored computer people and write a few captions.

  4. Thanks so much! You were well deserving of your award and I'm honored that you thought of me :) I loved your etched glasses in your previous post- beautiful! So glad to have you as a new bloggy friend :)

  5. Thank you thank you for this fun award! It's so fun to be recognized by another addicted blogger!

  6. Thanks so much for this fun award! I really appreciate it and so glad to of met another NE blogger!

  7. Thanks for the award! I haven't gotten around to doing it yet, but I feel so honored! Thanks! Oh I feel the same way about advertising your blog to friends and family. I finally sucked it up and put it on FB. I haven't done it since, but I did it once!


Thanks for stopping by my blog! I hope you feel inspired to make a masterpiece of your own! I appreciate all your fun comments!

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