Monday, April 4, 2011

Pasta, Pasta, Pasta...!!!

Oh my word...The Pioneer Woman makes amazing food and takes amazing pictures. Do you know what carbs make me crave??? More CARBS!!! My BFF (yes that is right, I said BFF) made me a pasta dish for supper last night that was delicious... and now what am I thinking of? What kind of pasta can I make tonight:) The bread-winner of this household is playing in the dirt with his big-kid toys this time of year. (aka he is a farmer and it is time to do field work) Yes I miss him and yes I get really really tired and sometimes feel like a single parent, but there is one upside... I cook for ME and don't worry too much about him. (he lives on coffee, ruffles, Reese's, Dr. Pepper, and milk this time of year) ... food is the silver-lining and pregnancy, well, that just means more butter and portion-size doesn't exist. I was thinking I"ll try to deliver good recipes to share on Tuesdays... maybe next week I can come up with some original ones:) For now take a look at these beauties and have a glass of wine for me... oh by the way ... the three photos are all courtesy of Pasta With Tomato Cream Sauce

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