Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bird Nest Cookies



Ladybug #1 has to take treats to kindergarten tomorrow, so I thought why not celebrate the season... Earlier this week my sweet little kindergartner left me a note that read, "Mom, ples be nisr." Isn't that lovely?... haha, no we aren't the Brady Bunch, so I'll quit pretending... tomorrow, lol... I thought perhaps... in an effort to be nicer... we might have fun making bird nest treats Together, but like I said, we aren't the Brady Bunch:) I made treats, and she watched TV with her sister... I guess she approved though because she wanted to make sure there were enough for the other kindergarten teachers... yikes I'll take whatever approval I can get for now:) Enjoy these festive treats!


  • Easter Peanut M&M's
  • 1/4 cup of butter
  • 4 1/2 cups of mini marshmallows
  • 1/4 cup peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
  • 4 cups chow mien noodles
  • To Make:
    -Put butter and marshmallows in a large saucepan on medium heat. Melt until smooth, stirring often
    -Once the butter and marshmallow mixture is melted add peanut butter and chocolate chips. Stir constantly until smooth.
    -Then remove the pan from the heat and add chow mien noodles. Stir until all noodles are coated in the marshmallow mixture.
    -After mixture is coated, spoon it onto wax paper that has been coated with cooking spray. While still warm, push egg candies into the ‘nest.’ This is where the kiddos will be more than willing to help (and eat candy!).

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