Friday, March 25, 2011

Sweet Boy and His Tie T-Shirt

Since my oh-so-demanding 4-year-old decided to change his ways and become the sweetest little boy yesterday I must blog about his cuteness (hopefully this doesn't jinx his new attitude)... yesterday instead of throwing a fit about having to wear jeans, he came up dressed... instead of fighting me about how much tv he could watch, he insisted on going to the farm to help dad... instead of eating nothing for supper, he had seconds... at bedtime he asked me to please tuck him in 20 minutes before his bedtime... and the best part... this morning he told me I'm the best Mom Ever!!!... aw...I melted

In other news... the oh-so-sweet 1 year old may have just switched over to the "terrible twos" a couple of months early:(
okay... back to the post and the t-shirt tie... I'm not the first to come up with this and many people have done it better... I chose to do an applique with blue and white striped fabric on a black tee... so cute! I did a very quick white thread zigzag stitch for a finishing touch and it is ADORABLE... Sorry no close-ups though (I know, what was I thinking?)... this shirt went to the preschool for a silent auction that is going to be held tonight:) At the bottom of the pictures find the links for my pattern and other t-shirt tutorials...Enjoy and Happy Friday!!!

~From the awesome blog "Crap I've Made"~
Appliqued Tie Tutorial
~From the wonderful "I am Momma Hear Me Roar"~
Freezer Paper Stencil Tutorial

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