Friday, February 25, 2011

Cheesy Bacon and Potato Soup

Yummy Cheesy Bacon and Potato Soup

-1lb hickory smoked bacon
-5-6 medium red potatoes (peeled and cubed)
-1 small yellow onion (diced)
-6 chicken boullion cubes
-4-5 cups water
-1 packet of country gravy mix
-2 cups milk
-4oz. velveeta cheese
-salt & pepper to taste

*Fry up your bacon until cooked. Cool and slice into bite size pieces. In a 4-quart casserole or larger combine bacon, bacon grease, potatoes, onion, boullion and water. Make sure there is an inch or two of water covering everything. Bring to a boil and cook for 20-30 minutes. Once the potatoes are very tender add the gravy mix and milk. Bring to a boil. Simmer soup until a few minutes before serving. Right before serving, make sure soup is boiling or close to it and add cubed velveeta. Melt and serve. Serves 6 easily. The bacon and boullion give the soup plenty of salt, so taste before adding more:)

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